We’re changing things up here at Agency Hackers.
From now on, our content will be coming to you in a quarterly fashion.
This means that as members you’ll have a much wider overview of what’s coming up, what to signpost to your wider team, and also gain an insight into the kind of journey we’re hoping to take you on.
This quarter, we’re on a mission to help you strengthen and grow.
While this is always a constant aim for agency leaders, of late it has never been so important to fortify your foundations and push ahead. When there’s a storm approaching, we batten down the hatches. But this time, we want to help you prepare for rocky waters without having to immediately reach for the life rafts and take cover – it’s all about riding it out.
The current climate has put many agencies in a tricky situation, but rather than shying away from it, through our next quarters’ worth of content we’ll be inspiring you to fix up, take action and invest in tips and tactics that will go on to really bolster your business.
You can now see the next three months’ worth of Agency Hackers content in advance, by checking our rolling online events page, subscribing to our events calendar, or instead clicking on the individual listings for October, November and December.
You’ll also notice that our quarterly content is focused on three specific themes, or ‘tracks’ as we like to call them, all of which will help towards strengthening your agency and aid you in growing as organically as you can.
Here are the themes we’re kicking off this quarterly cycle with:
- Are you struggling to get your senior leadership team to really step up and take the lead?
- Are you worried you’re not hiring the right people?
- Perhaps your team are good at what they do, but they’re not good at communicating with people when things aren’t going quite so well…
- …or you might even be looking further inward, and working on yourself as a leader.
This track will help you figure out all these things and more.
We’ll be joined by coaching experts such as Kirsty Hulse, Sally Henderson and Martin Palethorpe to help you suss out your team’s development, how to encourage them to tackle difficult conversations and help to mould the next generation’s agency leaders.
We’ll also be hearing from agency leaders within the community about what they’ve been doing to invest in both themselves and their people, and how it has changed the way their business works.
- Do you know exactly what your agency does, and also what it stands for?
- And do your existing and prospective clients truly know what you can deliver?
- Perhaps you’ve realised you’re working within a niche market and really want to make it your own…
- …or your agency is capable of exploring new territory but you’re not sure how to make that leap.
We’ll be holding sessions with copywriting expert Roland Gurney on how to really nail your agency’s positioning and overhauling your value proposition to ensure you’re targeting the right clients – and win even more work.
We’ll also be hearing from agency leaders who have taken action and launched their agencies into new territory, whether that’s ‘owning’ a particular sector like Joe Perkins at Chaptr, or shifting an established agency’s proposition into new territory by rebranding, a là Emma Simkiss of Freestyle.
- Your agency may well be the best at what it does, but have you hit a wall when it comes to immediate ROI?
- Are most of your established and ongoing clients all on retainers?
- Perhaps you’re struggling to uncover new ground and reach new clients, but unsure of how to tackle it.
This quarter, we’ll be discussing how to profile your market and target the key decision makers in your sector, while Louise Towler will be telling you how to make the most of uncovering local grants and government schemes, and how they’ve benefited her business.
We’ll also be tackling the big American dream, Lee Fitzpatrick of Zebra Growth will be showing you how to build an ethical growth funnel, and why paid advertising for your own agency could make all the difference.