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Coming up At Agency Hackers

📣 Please note, these events are for Agency Hackers’ members only.

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Event key:
đŸ”” Presentation
🔮 Interview
🟣 Demo/workshop
🟡 Interactive (cameras on please!)

  • Retail media is the tsunami that’s coming. By 2025, it is predicted to be bigger than TV advertising, with significantly more powerful data than the usual methods – because it reflects actual buying power.
  • With Amazon being a complex, yet large player, it is key that agencies utilise it sooner rather than later. “Web design agencies, PPC agencies, CRO agencies, and others must start developing deep skills in Amazon, much like they did with Google and Facebook over the past two decades,” warns Rupert Staines, CEO of Vector Retail Media. “If your competitors are getting Amazon right and you’re not, then you can’t compete.”
  • Join us for this informative session on Amazon, which will help you understand why it’s important – and how you can jump on the bandwagon before its too late.

Wed 31 Jul 2024 11:00 am UK Time


  • “Growth can be quite jarring for people. It’s normal to have ebbs and flows when it comes to how people respond,” says ZoĂ« Ogden, people director at Impression.
  • Over the last few years, Impression has scaled dramatically from 50 to approximately 110 people across three locations. How has ZoĂ« maintained the agency’s culture throughout these changes, and avoided it becoming such a jarring process?
  • In this month’s HR & people mastermind, ZoĂ« will be sharing more about how she’s kept culture thriving at Impression – and how you can do it too. This is a great one if you’re hoping to grow, but concerned about shaking the foundations of a happy team.

Thu 8 Aug 2024 11:00 am UK Time


  • We’re past the halfway point of the year, and it’s time for our third check-in of 2024. So, how has Q3 been for you so far?
  • While the ‘new normal’ of slow clients and hesitant decision-making seems to be lingering on, what have you been doing to navigate this? Are you trying to change things up? Are you capitalising on emerging trends or new opportunities?
  • Join us and share your experiences from Q3. Let’s connect, learn from each other, and find ways to move forward together.

Thu 15 Aug 2024 2:00 pm UK Time


  • While stepping up to the plate is a great opportunity, there are all kinds of challenges – and while you’re good at your job, you might still be trying to find your way.
  • So, why not share your experiences with others who really get it? With this in mind, we want to give you a dedicated space to chat things through with others in the same boat: this is your SLT Summit.
  • This session isn’t structured like most of our events – instead, it’s an open forum where you can share your challenges, give advice, and generally lean on each other for support. Join us and share your experiences.

Tue 20 Aug 2024 11:00 am UK Time


  • “My mantra is ‘Serve, don’t sell’,” says Marcus Hemsley, founder and director at Fountain Partnership. “Even when I’m selling, it’s the same thing.”
  • To Marcus, who’s been in the agency world for 15 years, agency partnerships are joint ventures between agencies, serving the same types of clients but offering different services. “It’s entirely trust-based,” he explains. “If you help others, you will get it back in abundance.”
  • Just because pressure has been put on agencies over these last few years, it doesn’t mean partnerships are dead. Join us for our next marketing and new biz session with Marcus Hemsley, where he’ll dive deeper into agency partnerships and how you can shift your mindset from ‘selling’ to ‘serving’ to create lasting partnerships.

Thu 22 Aug 2024 11:00 am UK Time


  • When it comes to a business’s finances, a lot of ego can be wrapped up in the numbers. So, to shed ourselves of that ego, we at Agency Hackers are putting our finances under the spotlight.
  • With the help of Pam Phillips, founder and managing director at de Jong Phillips, we’ll be analysing our numbers and asking: What do our accounts reveal about our financial health? How have our margins changed? Where could we improve? And what have been our biggest challenges?
  • By joining us for this CFO Surgery, you’ll be getting a first-hand look at our finances through the eyes of an expert accountant and will leave with a greater understanding of what the numbers in your accounts mean.

Tue 27 Aug 2024 2:00 pm UK Time


  • If your agency is ‘full-service’, you might be spreading yourself too thin. “I get really frustrated with some agencies,” says James Urquhart, co-founder and managing director of Let’s Run Social. “You can’t be a full-service agency – it’s impossible.”
  • But James has cracked the code on creating multiple streams of revenue for his agency.  He’s built a ‘sales ladder’ that not only brings in a steady flow of new business, but also allows clients to move up the ladder to higher-valued services. All of his efforts combined have led to 300% YOY growth in revenue.
  • Join us for this online session, where James will explain how his sales ladder strategy works, the principles behind it, and how you could do the same.

Wed 28 Aug 2024 11:00 am UK Time


  • “I remember I was sitting with a large glass of wine with a spreadsheet open, trying to work out when we were going to run out of money.” This was how Pete Heslop, founder of Steadfast Collective, spent one evening during lockdown. What followed was a mental health crisis. Something had to change.
  • And so, the direction and structure of the Steadfast changed drastically. Most notable was their decision to niche down, focusing on community. “I think going niche has been a bit of a saving grace,” explains Pete. “It’s made me love my job again and it means we’re building the sort of projects our team really care about.”
  • Join us for our next client services mastermind, where Pete will tell the story of how niching down saved his company, and how the clients they’ve acquired actually mean something to them!

Wed 4 Sep 2024 11:00 am UK Time


  • “I think there’s a huge job for HR to make sure people are using and upskilling in AI, rather than just avoiding it,” says Lizzie Boyd, director at The Pod HR.
  • With AI making waves throughout the industry, it’s time for HR departments to get themselves in on the action. Lizzie Boyd has been creatively integrating AI into her HR practices for a while now. But don’t forget, just because it’s AI, it doesn’t make the HR department any less human. “If you want to be truly inclusive, and you also want to be doing the right thing, it’s about putting people first and making it human,” says Lizzie.
  • Join us for this HR & people mastermind, where Lizzie will delve into how she’s using AI in HR to boost efficiency and inclusion in the workplace, and will explore how you can do it too.

Wed 11 Sep 2024 2:00 pm UK Time


  • There’s this massive disconnect between how businesses actually operate commercially and their legal agreements. They think of them as completely separate things,” says Alistair Wells, founder and director at Tend Legal.
  • As agency folks, we love the creative stuff. No one really likes to dwell on those long, cumbersome, jargon-filled contracts, do they? Sadly, we all know how important they are. But how can you make them less of a hindrance – and make the legal part of client work smoother too?
  • Alistair is on hand to help you figure this out. Join us for this session as we try to make the legal side of agency life a little easier – and a bit less of a headache.

Thu 12 Sep 2024 11:00 am UK Time


  • “AI is coming for our jobs, so let’s all do something about it,” says Kate Ross, founder of eight&four. And do something they did. At eight&four, they’ve been developing their own bespoke AI tools over the last couple of years. The aim? To streamline client services on both sides. 
  • Now, Kate’s agency has four tools integrated into a single user interface. “With a lot of AI stuff, you’d jump off a few platforms. What we wanted to do was centralise that,” says Kate. “Our bespoke tools are client-specific and customised to each individual client’s way of working. This also gives complete customisation to clients’ workflows, which is imperative.” 
  • In this month’s AI Whisperers, Kate will be telling us how the agency created their bespoke AI interface, why it’s important to investigate and create something like this, and the positive effects it has had on client-agency relationships.

Wed 18 Sep 2024 11:00 am UK Time


  • An agency’s branding plan and strategy might be absolutely brilliant, but where it tends to fall short is in the communication and execution of bringing that employer brand to life. “It’s not enough just to have some employer brand expert come in and tell you what your brand is,” says Sarah Woodhouse, co-owner and director at AMBITIOUS. “You’ve then got to make sure the brand is socialised within your business and that everybody knows what that looks like.”
  • Once the team understands and are aligned on the employer branding, you can then start to really hone in on the branding’s impact. Are you attracting the right people? Is your message coming across clearly?
  • Join us for this marketing and new biz mastermind where Sarah and Dani from AMBITIOUS will explain how you can master your employer branding, as well as helping you pinpoint where you might be going wrong with yours.

Tue 24 Sep 2024 11:00 am UK Time
