CLIENT SERVICES MASTERMIND: How Can You Get the Whole Team on Board?

2pm, Tuesday 7th November 2023

  • When you’re the person with the most visibility in front of a client, there’s a lot of pressure.
  • So, how can you make client services more of a team effort? Stef Lait, client experience director at OST, seems to have found the answer.
  • In this session, Stef will be taking us through how she has instilled a client-first mindset throughout her entire agency, as well as some of the benefits it can have on your business – and your clients.

How Can You Level Up Your Recruitment Processes?

11am, Wednesday 8th November 2023

  • What do candidates want? Agencies have been hoping that recruitment would get easier. Mostly, it hasn’t. Finding great talent is still hard.
  • So in this session, recruitment expert Jo Carter will help you get under the skin of today’s candidate.
  • If you’re looking to build the right bench of talent in your agency, Jo will be sharing the motivations that are influencing candidates’ decisions today.

CEO SUMMIT: How To Handle Redundancy Talks

1pm, Thursday 9th November 2023

  • “I think sometimes owners get very tied down in the process, that they forget this is a person who’s about to lose their job,” says Helen Kirk-Blythe, co-founder of Complex HR.
  • No matter how great your team is, every agency owner faces a day when redundancy talks appear on the horizon. But if you’ve never had to do it before, or have never been told how to do it properly, it can be pretty daunting.
  • In this month’s CEO Summit, the Complex HR team will show you how to navigate these tough conversations and remain empathetic while following the process.

HR & PEOPLE MASTERMIND: What Does Cost-Effective Wellbeing Look Like?

11am, Tuesday 14th November 2023

  • In the current climate, wellbeing funding is rapidly depleting. So how can you support your team and still remain within the parameters of your budget?
  • We’ll be joined by three panellists to hear how they are championing wellbeing in their agencies without breaking the bank. 
  • Come along to hear real-life case studies of how other HR leaders are making this work on a budget and contribute your own ideas to the group.

PPC LEADERS: How to Balance Automation and Strategy with PMAX

4pm, Wednesday 15th November 2023

  • With the swift movement of AI and automation, that’s just not the case anymore, many are scrambling to understand how to implement it into their processes.
  • But one thing that is still leaving a lot of marketing clients stumped in particular is PMAX.
  • In this session, Realtime’s associate director Jack Tungate will be taking us through some of the best practices when it comes to using PMAX for creative, product feed management, measurement and conversion tracking.

New Leaders’ Hangout

10am, Friday 17th November 2023

  • While stepping up is a great opportunity, there are all kinds of challenges.
  • With this in mind, we want to give you a dedicated space to chat things through with others in the same boat: this is your new leaders’ hangout.
  • This session isn’t structured like most of our events – instead, it’s an open forum, where you can share your challenges, give advice, and generally lean on each other for support.

MARKETING AND NEW BIZ: Harnessing ABM Marketing

11am, Tuesday 21st November 2023

  • Have you been wondering if Account-Based Marketing is worth adding to your new business strategy?
  • “A lot of agencies find that ABM puts too many eggs in one basket,” says Jo. “When you’re chasing five to ten targets, the minimum order value you need for true one-to-one ABM to stack up is pretty hefty.”
  • In this session, Jo will shed light on the different facets of ABM, including the ‘true one-to-one’ approach and a lighter ‘one-to-few’ strategy.

Should You Launch a SaaS Product?

4pm, Tuesday 21st November 2023

  • Do you dream of stepping off the agency “hamster wheel” and creating a software product? Do you lick your lips at the thought of recurring revenue, no clients, and near-infinite scalability?
  • Colin Hewitt ran a successful web agency – but he couldn’t stop thinking about launching a product. So he launched Float, a cash forecasting tool that helps agencies visualise what’s ahead.
  • Could it be right for you? Join us and hear how Colin pivoted from running a successful agency into running a successful SaaS product.

How to Make the Most of LinkedIn Thought Leader Ads

2pm, Wednesday 22nd November 2023

  • “It’s not about adding more to your plate, it’s about being smarter with what you’re already doing. And if you can link your content back to your priorities and values as a business, your presence on social media can help you achieve them.”
  • “In most large organisations, you’ve got a PPC team and an organic team. Or you’ve got a paid social team, and then you’ve got an organic social team – but they don’t work together,” says Justyna Brownbridge.
  • In this session, Justyna will be taking us through her agency’s case study of using thought leadership ads for B2B content, the benefits this kind of strategic campaign can have for your business, and how to encourage your team to build their online presence by becoming content creators.

AI WHISPERERS: How To Make ChatGPT Sound Like You

2pm, Thursday 23rd November 2023

  • ChatGPT boasts a lot of potential, but it can take months before you really get to grips with it.
  • Heather Murray has created a ChatGPT ‘playbook’ for LinkedIn absolutely jam-packed with practical tips on how to utilise LLMs to help with sales, marketing, content creation and more. 
  • In this session, Heather will be drawing on her guide to show you how to create content in ChatGPT that actually sounds like you – or your brand.

How to Tackle Absence and Performance Problems

1pm, Tuesday 28th November 2023

  • “Performance management is massive right now. We’re spending more time advising clients on how to manage individuals than anything else,” says Helen Manson, co-founder of Complex HR.
  • Absence and low performance seem to go hand in hand at the moment. Teams are stressed, leaders are stressed that their teams are stressed, and all the while quality of work is slipping. But the moment you finally get around to addressing someone’s low performance or lack of productivity – they go off sick! It’s a game you can never win.
  • In this session, the Complex HR duo will take you through what to do when you find yourself in this scenario, as well as some tips on how to handle these difficult conversations.

CFO SURGERY: Where Can Agencies Find Funding?

2pm, Tuesday 30th November 2023

  • The best time to think about funding is before your agency needs it.
  • One day, your agency might need external funding to fuel operations, growth, or specific projects. But navigating the world of funding can be complex. 
  • In this month’s CFO Surgery, Pam Phillips, founder of agency accounting firm de Jong Phillips will dive into the ins and outs of obtaining funding for agencies – and where to find what you really need and when.