HR & PEOPLE MASTERMIND: How To Tackle Natural Attrition
⏰ 11am, Tuesday 5th December 2023
- “I’ve had days where I’ve felt very low and questioned myself, ‘Is it my fault? What could I have done? Did I do my job well enough?’” says Ndeshi Shipanga, people and culture partner at Anything Is Possible.
- In this month’s HR & People mastermind, we’ll be talking about how to navigate situations of natural attrition.
- If you’re in the middle of something similar, come along to discuss this with the group and share your own experiences with this conundrum.
How to Hire for Your Agency’s Culture
⏰ 11am, Wednesday 6th December 2023
- In this session, we’ll talk to recruitment expert Jo Carter about the current state of employee retention. Surprise: a lot of it comes down to culture.
- If you’re hiring at the moment – or planning to in the near future – join us for a heart-to-heart discussion with recruitment expert Jo Carter as we delve into the true essence of a company’s culture and its pivotal role in hiring.

⏰ 2pm, Thursday 7th December 2023
- Jeremy Taylor, operations director at OST Marketing, noticed that his team would often strive to over-deliver rather than work within the client’s budget.
- This over-servicing was causing headaches. It created a cycle where expectations would have to be constantly reset.
- If you’re feeling the constant pressure to do more for your clients, even at the expense of your agency’s resources, join this session and hear from Jeremy and other agency folk about how to do a great job for your clients without draining your team’s energy or your agency’s profits.
MARKETING & NEW BIZ MASTERMIND: How Can Agencies Improve Their OWN Marketing?
⏰ 11am, Tuesday 12th December 2023
- Why is agency marketing so feast or famine?
- That’s the question that Claire Hutchings, founder of Chime Agency, has set out to answer. She studied 100 agencies’ marketing to see what was wrong. Spoiler: there is a LOT.
- If you’re putting your agency’s marketing under the microscope in 2024, join this session with Claire, who will bring to life the common mistakes – and give you some ideas to fix them.

CLIENT SERVICES MASTERMIND: What is the Impact of Strategic Over-Servicing?
⏰ 11am, Thursday 14th December 2023
- Walking the tightrope of overservicing is a tricky balancing act for a client services director. But it’s something that Liz Hemes and her team at 383 Project have been trying to master.
- Using a detailed tracking system, they make sure to highlight the extra work they do and encourage a give-and-take relationship, helping to build stronger and more productive ties with clients.
- Join us for this discussion with Liz and other client services leaders, where she unpacks her approach to “strategic overservicing” – and we give you the chance to reflect on the best strategy for you
CFO SURGERY: What Are The Financial Barriers
to Growth?
⏰ 2pm, Thursday 14th December 2023
- Arsenic has 33 protons and selenium has 34. That’s the only difference. But one of those elements will kill you, and the other you can buy in Holland & Barrett.
- “It’s not that difficult for an agency to make money when you’re sort of below 10 people. You’re nimble and your overhead costs are low. You don’t need to invest that that much in other areas.” says agency CFO Martyn Raftery.
- Join us for a candid conversation with Martyn, who brings to the table nearly a decade of hands-on experience working with marketing agencies of all shapes and sizes.

⏰ 2pm, Tuesday 19th December 2023
- This year has undoubtedly been filled with its fair share of challenges and victories for agencies.
- For some, it’s smooth sailing. For others, it’s plot twist after plot twist. As we approach the end of 2023, it feels right to hit pause and take a moment to look back on this year.
- In this session, we’ll be taking some time to reflect and share what the last twelve months have been like for everyone – Agency Hackers included. Come along and share your saga with the group, and pick up some last bits of advice before the new year.