Great Agencies Growth Index Top 50 Nominations Open Now

6 months ago

Agency Hackers are celebrating the best of the best in the agency insutry with brand new Growth Index

Have you taken your agency to the next level? Do you think your team is making big contributions to make sure you continue to grow?

We want to know all about it so that we can celebrate all of the agency leaders that are putting their all into growing their business – despite the ups and downs.

The new Great Agencies Growth Index Top 50 celebrates 50 agency leaders (and their teams) who are on a journey to grow their business. And Agency Hackers wants to recognise and celebrate people who are blazing a trail – so other people can learn from their success.

Anyone who has given their all to agency growth, a leader or a team member, could be eligible for the Top 50.

  • You can nominate yourself, or somebody you know
  • We’re looking for agency leaders and their teams who have taken bold, interesting or strategic steps to take their agency to the next level
  • The Growth Index is compiled from your nominations and selected by an industry judge

Judging Process

The Great Agencies Growth Index will be judged by Kate Ross, MD of  eight&four. Kate is an agency owner and regularly speaks at Agency Hackers events.

Kate Ross is judging the Growth Index nominations

She has seen great success at her agency, which has a headcount of over 120 – last year eight&four was a finalist at the European Agency Awards. Her team works with a diverse range of clients including Sandals, Cannon, and Mind.

Kate will be picking the faces who make it onto the Agency Growth Index Top 50.

Nominations are completely free – and for the first 300 nominations, Agency Hackers will be donating £5 an entry to a charity.

Kate has picked Gympanzees as the charity to receive the donations. The charity creates fun and fitness opportunities for children and young adults with special educational needs, learning difficulties, and mild to profound disabilities.

The deadline for nominations is 12pm pm 11th March 2024 – so get nominating!


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