• Feel like you’ve got your processes nailed?

• Or are you struggling to balance them with your agency culture?

• Join the operations gang and chat things through.

Tue 21 Jun 2022 2:00 pm UK Time
Hang out with your operations and process pals from other great agencies in the monthly Agency Hackers operations mastermind

You’re invited to our monthly mastermind for process and operations people.

Our operations mastermind is a great place for ops folk to check-in with each other, and gain insight into what is happening at different agencies. 

This month, we’re circling back to time tracking.

  • What software do you use to track time and productivity?
  • How do you convert billable hours into hourly rates?
  • How can you forecast capacity using time tracking?

Make sure to join this month’s session to discuss all this and more – and help others in need of some advice.