Thurs 20 Jun 2024 11:00am UK time

“When it comes to culture and values in an agency, it’s like a red line that runs through the business, bringing both different generations on board and ensuring good performance.”

This sounds great in theory – but in practice, there are all sorts of hurdles to creating the ‘perfect’ agency culture.

In this month’s HR & people mastermind, we’re joined by Jo Geraghty, co-founder and director at Culture Consultancy. Jo will be taking you through how you can address the most common culture pain points in your agencies – and how you can change your approach to make a real difference.

We’ll be talking about things like:

  • Attracting and retaining talent. 
  • Building a cross-generational culture that transcends. “How you can build cultures that work for the five generations in the workforce?” asks James Bacon, head of marketing. “One of the things we see a lot at the moment is with Gen Z, for example – they have a very different way of thinking about work, and have different expectations too.”
  • Management skills gaps – especially when it comes to those who have become ‘accidental managers’ in their business.
  • Leadership buy-in. It’s a question of opinion sometimes. “Some leaders say, ‘I can completely see the value of building a strong culture in my business, I know it will deliver business results.’ Other leaders see it as,  ‘Well, when we’ve got time, we might do this thing.'”
  • Embedding company values and behaviours. “How can you make them a real thing? You might have nice posters saying, ‘Yes, this is our value’ but in reality, no one really changes their behaviours at all. They just carry on doing what they’ve always done.”

While culture can sometimes sound a little ‘fluffy’, it’s integral to bringing the whole team together and reaching the agency’s peak performance.

Jo will be taking us through how to tackle your agency’s culture pain points, and how you can transform your agency’s approach to it full-stop.