What’s On This Week: From menopause support to creative pitching ideas

11 months ago

Stay up to date with all of Agency Hackers online events with What’s On This Week



Every week Agency Hackers offers a number of online discussions and events that have been carefully selected and created with your best interests in mind. Whether it’s tapping into new professional skills, expanding your artistic and creative horizons or simply connecting with like-minded enthusiasts in your field- these sessions can open a portal of possibilities and bring some excitement and enlightenment to your week.

This week two important topics will be tackled- the menopause and understanding pitching boundaries. These sessions are aimed at helping you and your team understand and tackle problems that may arise within your agency with ease and confidence.

Read on below to learn more about what’s on this week.

What’s On

Tuesday 8 August, 2pm- Creative Mastermind: How far should you go when pitching?

  • This months creative mastermind is all about pitching and how far you should ‘push the boundary’ of a brief. Digit’s creative lead Kieran Anderson, who is leading the discussion said: “We lost a job last year because we only pitched what was in the brief. The brief was purely about transforming the website, but another agency went in and won by pitching a transformation of their entire brand- and we were taken by surprise as they were already quite an established brand. It’s made me question, how do other creative directors gauge this when pitching for jobs?”
  • So now he is asking other creative leads and agency leaders: When it comes to pitching to brief, how far do you do? Do you stick to the dried outlined or go above and beyond? Is It worth pitching outside the box?
  • Find out more information about the discussion and register to get involved here.

Thursday 10 August, 2pm- HR & People: Supporting staff going through menopause

  • This session is aimed at providing practical tips on how to support staff members who are going through the menopause. Founder of Change It Up, Kayley Wilson will be running the session to help you to recognise the impact that menopause symptoms can have in the workplace.
  • Kayley, who was running a successful law firm when her symptoms began found that she soon began battling suicidal thoughts and changing her career, said: “It’s scary, but you have to be prepared. Knowledge is power- it lets you take control. And when those symptoms hit, you’re more likely to be in a better place.”
  • “Within a 12-week window, I went from being a super confident person to not being able to drive my car, I didn’t want to be left alone. I was having panic attacks, and my life changed very, very quickly. But when I presented all this to the GP, they didn’t say, ‘That’s menopause’, they just said, ‘We’re prescribing you some anti-psychotic drugs and anti-depressants’. I left, tore the prescription up and cried.”
  • Find out more information about the session and register to get involved here.

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