• We have all had to adapt to new ways of working in the last 18 months…
• …but what has been a success for you? Have you gone hybrid or are you back in the office?
• We’ll be talking about all the issues surrounding the hybrid working model, and sharing experiences of how it has or hasn’t worked for the AH gang.

Across the agency sector, everybody is wondering what everyone else is up to.
And when it comes to hybrid working, each agency seems to be tackling it differently.
We’ve been working more flexibly for over 18 months now, and we’ve talked about how agencies are managing it over that time at Agency Hackers.
But now, we want to know if it’s still working for you.
Have you introduced a hybrid model? Or are you back in the office?
Have you had employees take advantage of your flexibility? Or have you found it’s brought out the best in them?
We’ll be discussing all these things and more in this month’s State of the Nation.