Alex Gladwin began her career in HR, but as time’s gone on, she’s found herself knee deep in the operations side of Skout.
“I started as an office manager and took on a lot more of the HR role, because that was naturally my skill set,” explains Alex. “But operations has begun overriding everything, and as we look to the future of Skout’s growth, operations is an area I need to know more about.”
Not only is she finding it difficult to balance her HR responsibilities with her operations-based ones, but it’s also hard to find people who can relate.
“I want to make sure that I’m considering everything. What do the ops guys think about everyday? What’s in their plan? What are they working towards? What are their goals? And, most of all, what’s their strategy?”
So how do you strategise and plan for a year in operations? What’s the bigger picture amongst the minute, day-to-day tasks?
Because when you’re in it, it can feel overwhelming.
“It’s basically running the business, isn’t it?” she says. “It’s making sure everyone’s got everything they need to do their job”
So hive mind, how the hell do you plan for a strategy around your operations? If you think you can help Alex, come along and offer your wisdom.