• Feel like you’ve got your processes nailed?

• Or are you struggling to balance them with your agency culture?

• Join the operations gang and chat things through.

Wed 19 Jan 2022 2:00 pm UK Time
Hang out with your operations and process pals from other great agencies in the monthly Agency Hackers operations mastermind

You’re invited to our monthly mastermind for process and operations people.

Operations people tend to be the glue that holds an agency together. They’re indispensable! But it can be a thankless task sometimes. So join the operations crew and chat things through.

Some tips to get the most from Mastermind:

  1. Speak as openly as possible – feel free to ask anything (within reason!) and share as much knowledge as you think useful.
  2. If you need help, ask for it. If you don’t know something or haven’t heard of a tool/tech/framework, say so and we’ll try to find someone