A big problem with the rise of AI has been the struggle to get full teams on board.
However, Dee Overfield and Nick Silverstone have found a way to get everyone in their agency singing from the same AI hymnsheet: by getting everyone involved.
“We’ve put together an AI team, where we discuss the latest developments in AI because it’s changing so much now,” explains Dee, head of digital at Wagada Digital. “We’re really pushing things forward to make sure people have an AI mindset, but are also continuously testing tools.”
“There’s AI in SEO, in content, and even in sales, so for me to keep on top of all the trends that are happening by myself, it’s near impossible. But if you have assigned certain people to certain areas, it’s a lot easier for them to come back to you with ideas.”
By doing this, it’s a much more collaborative process – as well as taking the pressure off one person making all the big changes.
In this month’s AI Whisperers session, we’ll be getting into:
- Why AI research teams are incredibly beneficial for your agency.
- The processes and methodology for setting up an AI research team.
- Some of the best practices and policies for AI as an organisation – and how you can roll this out across the board.
“We’re really pushing the boundaries of how we can use AI to not just do things faster, but to do them smarter too,” says Dee.
Join us for this month’s AI Whisperers to hear more about how Wagada Digital is utilising its AI research team to keep up with trends – and how you can get your whole team invested.